Haoyu Xiong

I am a student researcher at Stanford University advised by Prof. Shuran Song. I earned my M.S. in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Prof. Deepak Pathak.

Please email me at haoyux.me@gmail.com, as my CMU email has expired..

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[Mar. 2024] Our mobile manipulation research was highlighted in "Images of the Month" of Nature alongside other scientific phenomena such as NASA’s space shuttle, solar flare, neon nerve cells.
[Feb. 2024] Open-world Mobile Manipulation was featured by Nautre AI & robotics briefing and New Scientist .
[Dec. 2022] Invited Talk @ Stanford Vision and Learning lab on Robot Learning from Human Videos.
[Aug. 2022] Joined CMU RI as a graduate student.
[Apr. 2022] Invited Talk @ Tsinghua University on Robot Learning from Videos.


Adaptive Mobile Manipulation for Articulated Objects in the Open World

Haoyu Xiong, Russell Mendonca, Kenny Shaw, Deepak Pathak.
A full-stack approach for mobile manipulation robots learning to open doors in the real world.

Nature report / website

Bimanual Dexterity for Complex Tasks

Kenneth Shaw, Yulong Li, Jiahui Yang, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Ray Liu, Haoyu Xiong, Russell Mendonca, Deepak Pathak.
CoRL 2024

website / paper

SPIN: Simultaneous Perception, Interaction, and Navigation

Shagun Uppal, Ananye Agarwal, Haoyu Xiong, Kenneth Shaw, Deepak Pathak.
CVPR 2024


RoboTube: Learning Household Manipulation from Human Videos with Simulated Twin Environments

Haoyu Xiong, Haoyuan Fu, Jieyi Zhang, Chen Bao, Qiang Zhang, Yongxi Huang, Wenqiang Xu, Animesh Garg, Huazhe Xu, Cewu Lu.
Oral(6.5%) CoRL 2022

robotube.org / oral talk video

Learning by Watching: Physical Imitation of Manipulation Skills from Human Videos

Haoyu Xiong, Quanzhou Li, Yun-Chun Chen, Homanga Bharadhwaj, Samrath Sinha, Animesh Garg.
IROS 2021
Spotlight Talk RSS 2021 workshop

website / video / pdf / spotlight talk video

Professional Service

Reviewer: ICRA 22', 23', RA-L 23' 24', ICLR 24' 25', CVPR 24', CoRL 24', AAAI25.
